Legal and Privacy Policy

What information does Abe Cutter, inc collect and how is it used?
Abe Cutter, Inc. will not collect any personally-identifiable information about you (e.g. your name, address, telephone number or email address) through our website without your knowledge and permission unless you have provided it to us voluntarily.

In order to respond to your questions or fulfill your requests or provide you with our e-newsletter or special offers, it may be necessary to ask for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. We may use this information to respond to your requests, or to contact you via mail, e-mail or telephone to fulfil your request or provide you with e-newsletter or any other information. Also if you submit personally identifiable information when applying for employment, this information will be collected.

Your data protection rights
You have the right to request access to the personal data which Abe Cutter, Inc. processes about you. Moreover, you have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data is corrected. You also have the right to, at any time, withdraw your consent to Abe Cutter, Inc.'s processing of your personal data, with future effect.

As of the 25 May 2018 you also have, to the extent applicable data protection legislation provides, a right to object to certain processing of personal data, a right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data, and a right to data portability. The right to data portability covers such personal data which Abe Cutter, Inc.  processes based on an agreement between you and Abe Cutter, Inc.  or based on your consent, and which you have provided, i.e. name, email, phone number, country, products bought and registered, serial numbers, purchase date and point of purchase. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Abe Cutter, Inc. 's processing of your personal data, please contact Naturally, you also have the right, should you wish, to lodge a complaint with the national data protection authority.

Does ABE CUTTER, INC.  disclose the stored information to third parties?
Abe Cutter, Inc.  will only store personal information as required to meet legal and regulatory requirements or as needed to provide personalized services to you.

If you provide personally identifiable information to us, we will not disclose your personally identifiable information to any third party without your consent, unless required to do so by law, or unless we in good faith believe such action is necessary to (i) perform a task carried out in the public interest, or (ii) to defend our rights or property or those of any other Abe Cutter, Inc.  entity or affiliate. However, in order to respond to your questions, fulfil your requests, provide you with specific information, your personally identifiable information may be shared with other Abe Cutter, Inc.  entities. Any such other Abe Cutter, Inc.  entity may be located outside the United States. In accordance with the above, if you submit personally identifiable information, you voluntarily consent to transfer of such information to other countries, including countries outside of the United States.

We do not now or in the future intend to sell, rent or market personal data about you to third parties. 


What are cookies?
When visiting our website some information may be stored on your computer in the form of a "cookie". A "cookie" is a small text that contains information and is stored on your computer. Cookies are used purely for technical purposes to facilitate use of the web page. One type of cookie saves a file permanently on your computer. It may then be used to personalize a web page according to the user’s choices and interests. The main type of cookie is called a "session cookie". While you are visiting a web page, session cookies are sent between your computer and the server to access information. Session cookies disappear when you turn off your web browser.  A "permanent cookie" is saved to the disk and remains after the browser is closed.

Abe Cutter, Inc.  uses cookies to gather visitor statistics and to record information about your preferences as you navigate through the web sites. In this way, we hope to be able to better target relevant information to our visitors.

Unless particularly stated elsewhere, cookies are never used by Abe Cutter, Inc.  with the aim to gather personal data.

If you do not accept the Abe Cutter, Inc. 's use of cookies on our web site, it is possible for you to configure your browser to reject cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, this means that we cannot guarantee that all functions of our web site will function as intended. The procedure for rejecting cookies will depend on what web browser you are using. Please consult the information provided with your browser for more information. 

What is AddThis?
AddThis buttons allows website owners to easily share content with other people either via social networks, e-mail or by bookmarking a page. The buttons provide statistics about bookmarking and sharing activity of users and helps visitors create buzz for sites to increase popularity and ranking. 


What is Social media?
The website might use social media widgets to enable users to engage with content from our websites on various social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn etc). To understand how and what information is collected and what cookies are set by these third parties, please refer to the privacy policy of the appropriate social platform.  

How does ABE CUTTER, INC.  protect customer information?

Abe Cutter, Inc.  maintains high standards to safeguard your personal information at all times, and will carefully protect all such information.

All passwords are encrypted and our servers are protected by secure fire walls.  


Does the Privacy Policy of Abe Cutter, Inc.  apply on linked external websites?
Our website may contain links to other websites such as benefit providers. These Third party websites are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect your personal information. Please ensure that you are satisfied with the Privacy Policy of these Third Parties before you submit any personal information.  


How does Abe Cutter, Inc.  update this Privacy Policy?
Abe Cutter, Inc.  may at any time without any notice revise the terms of this Private Policy by updating it. We recommend that visitors to our website re-visit the Privacy policy of Abe Cutter, Inc.  on occasion to learn of new Privacy practices or changes to our policy. 


Trademark, copyright and patents
A trademark is a word, logotype, slogan, colour or shape that identifies and distinguishes the source or origin of a product or service.  All trademarks belonging to Abe Cutter, Inc.  are important and valuable assets of the company.

The Abe Cutter, Inc.  respects the Intellectual Property rights of others, and we ask the same of others.

Unless otherwise indicated on this site, all trademarks, brand names and corporate logos are the property of Abe Cutter, Inc.  or its affiliates and protected by Intellectual Property Rights Law.

Trademarks, brand names and corporate logos belonging to Abe Cutter, Inc.  may not be used in any way without the prior written permission from Abe Cutter, Inc. .

The copyright of this website, including without limitation, all documents, files, text, images, graphics, devices, sound, audio-visual elements, is owned by Abe Cutter, Inc.  and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. (All Rights Reserved)

The website or any part of it may not, apart from what is stated below, be reproduced, duplicated, copied, transferred, distributed, stored or otherwise exploited for any commercial use without prior written permission by Abe Cutter, Inc. .

You are authorized to view, print and copy any document published on this website for your personal non-commercial use and provided that any such copy or print retains all copyright or other proprietary notices.

You are authorized to use information from this website if it is only used for information purposes, provided the source of information is mentioned. You may copy and print press releases and other documents classified as public.

The content of the information may not be modified and the information should be used in a way that does not harm the reputation of Abe Cutter, Inc. .

The website may contain images that are subject to copyright of third parties.  


In case you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please don't hesitate to contact customer support through this web site.


Although every care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information on the website of Abe Cutter, Inc. , we provide this information "as is" and disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, that the information supplied is accurate, complete or current. You acknowledge that your use of the website including, but not limited to, the use of any links on the website and of the information supplied on the website is at your sole risk. Further, Abe Cutter, Inc.  assumes no responsibility for the content on any third party websites and any links to such on the website are provided only to facilitate you. All material, including but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics and figures on any Abe Cutter, Inc.  website may contain technical errors or typing inaccuracies or other types of errors or inaccuracies. Neither Abe Cutter, Inc.  nor any company associated with Abe Cutter, Inc.  assumes any responsibility whatsoever for any such errors or inaccuracies.

Further, Abe Cutter, Inc.  explicitly disclaims any warranty that any website of Abe Cutter, Inc.  is free from infection by virus or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties or that the information on any Abe Cutter, Inc.  website will be uninterruptible or error free.

Neither Abe Cutter, Inc.  nor any person or company associated with Abe Cutter, Inc.  shall be liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from your use or inability to use this website or any information, content, services, or materials provided by or on this website.

Abe Cutter, Inc.  reserves the right to amend, add and/or exclude any information on the website (including this disclaimer) at any time and without any prior notice thereof. Abe Cutter, Inc.  shall not be obliged to update this website, including any information on the website.